Saturday 7 May 2011

My Favourite Videos

Baby Baby OoOoOooo Baby Baby...

Phalguni Patak Album Song... 

O Piya O Piya.... 

Ghita:Awesome Talent...:) 

Awesome Song.... 

Premikula Roju.... 

 Prema Desham......



Friends Forever...

Life Is Beautiful....

Life Is Not Just what you look at
Its Not even the thing you wanna be like,
Its never will in your range of EXPEXTANCE
Nor Even Sweet always as for your ACCEPTANCE

some believe its the gift of GOD
some say its the FATE on FOREHEAD

K.G's of INK is Not Enough to Write One's Past
Tonnes Of Papper Won't Be Sufficient to Write Thy's Future

But One's Memories has the Space to Save all the Heart in IT.

Whatever It May Be

Days Gone are called as PAST or EXPERIENCE
Days ahead are called as FUTURE or HOPE
But Days Happening now are called as PRESENT
just the Present of the Almighty

So Never Try to think whatz
happening or why..?
Its Just HapPening as Its Ment tooo
Mom, I look at you and see a walking miracle.
unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day, makes me so
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and
open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so
much for me, sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher, my
comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.

I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your
loving care.
I gaze in wonder as I watch you being YOU
My Miracle,
My Mother.

Friday 6 May 2011

Heart Touching Poems....

For the first time in my life,
True love came along.
It took me by surprise,
A looks that caught my eyes.
In the years passed by,
The love got stronger and stronger.

Finally, it took us to a vow
That will bind us together
For the rest of our lives.

For the laughter, tears, good times and bad
That we've been through.
You still got me and I still got you.
Thanks for being there always,
I LOVE U, my true love, for the rest of my life

I don't know how to say this,
the words walking through my mind.
I can't put pen to paper,
the sentence I can't find,
for the feelings deep inside my heart.
I pray to god above,
for the right words to tell you,
how much I have fallen in love.

All I ever wanted was to be part of your HEART
and for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one in the world can even compare
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.
We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you so much more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, our future and our past,
by the way you look at me I know that we will last.
I hope that someday you'll come to realize,
how perfect you are when seen through my eyes....
You are the stars in my night time,
You are the blue sky in my day,
You are the water in my ocean,
You are the light showing me the way,
You are the sunshine in my eyes,
You are the wind blowing through my hair,
You are the beating in my heart,
You are my life - you're always there...

You came into my life on a simple way
Told me you love me almost everyday
Showed me happiness and made me smile
I started to love you after awhile.

My wish is that our love may never die
I wished that from the day we gave us a try
When I woke up this morning you were on my mind
Love you completely although they say love is blind.

Forever yours that's how I feel
I trust you completely for real....

 Some memories will alwayz haunt u...
No matter how much you try to run away...
Those words and feelings,doesn't leave you...
Filling your heart with agony,All night and day!

My Favourites

Love U Forever...

I miss those days when you called me with utmost love
You don't even bother to look at me now

I miss those days when you used to listen to stories I say
Now,You don't even bother to look at my way

I miss those days when you used to cheer my presence
Now,You've end up enjoying my absence

I miss those days when you considered me as your top priority
Now, I stand no where in your list

I miss those days when you loved to introduce me to your friends
Now, You just treat me like a stranger when they are around

I miss those days when you were always there for me,No matter what!
Now you don't even know that I exist

I miss those days when we both made this world feel jealous
Now, It's all 'Me' there is no 'Us'

I miss those days when you shared each and everything with me
Now, You've got too many friends to consider

I miss those days when you spoke nectar like words filled with innocence
Now, Every word you say hurts me in immense

I miss those days when you couldn't withstand my single drop of tear
Now, You don't even know that I'm crying

I miss those days when you've treated me just like an angel
Now, You've shown my way out from your heart's door

When there was 'Love' in your heart
You accepted me the way I was
And Now that love's gone!
You are looking for reasons to complain

How did you change so much leaving me without any clue?
You've hurt me a lot....Believe me it is true!

I miss you, I miss you to the core Not you,
The person you were before!

Why can't I stop my tears falling down
when I recollect memories you had left?

The time we spent together was so precious.
You were the reason for my 'Joy'

You understood me the way no one else did.
You knew all my likes and dislikes.

You understood my silence.
You read my heart.

You protected me from all evil.
You made me feel complete.

I was pampered by you just like a kid.
You always offered support, whenever I needed it.

The day you've left me forever...
I realized what you mean to me..

Your memories are my fuel to get on with my life...
I'll miss you....I'll miss you forever.

Do you know how I feel when I'm lonely?
Do you know how it will be?

It is when I talk,talk and talk
But nobody pays attention and they just walk

It is when I show so much care
And nobody cares for my care

It is when I'm filled with this killing emptiness
And my life is full of mess

It is when everybody just ignore
And near ones hates me to the core

It is when I'm together, Yet alone
It is when I'm lost and just gone

It is when I gaze the stars in the sky
And just question them 'Why?'

It is when I hug my teddy when I'm lil blue
And express my feelings to it which are very true

It is when people are here, there and everywhere
But I'm in my fantasy world but not anywhere

It is when I can feel only my presence
And rest of the world's absence 

It is when I'm lost in dreams
Walking a lonely road, singing silent screams

It is when I have this cold feeling of being unwanted
Out of Sad and glad, It is when 'sadness' when my fate opted

It is when I talk with myself looking at the mirror
And ask why I'm a victim of this cold lonely terror

It is when I sit in a corner and weep
and keep questioning God until I fall asleep

This eternal loneliness, It is my best friend
It never leaves me till the end

You and me walking hand in hand
Building temples in the sand
Endless walks in rain
Sharing sorrows in pain
Thinking about those impossible dreams
Under single umbrella, Sharing ice-creams
Counting together the stars in sky
Climbing hills that are very high
Collecting shells in the beach
Trying to catch the stars which are out of reach
Blowing bubbles in air
Doing anything...good or bad in pair
Making each other smile
Sharing gossips for a while
Playing hide and seek in the garden
You lifting me up when I've fallen
Crying for those broken toys
And homework that really annoys
Going on a ride on the bicycle
Doing all the mischief and together we chuckle
Stealing mangoes from the neighbors tree
Humming song melodiously
Tapping feet concurrently
Playing with puppies on our lap
Seeing our favorite hero together we clap
In the rain, Feeling the joy together we drench
Giggles and laughter under the bench
Everyday having a silly fight
That are all over by night
Childhood has that pure innocence
And also fun in immense
What a beautiful memories are those
They never leave my heart and goes
I wish I could be a child once again
And enjoy all the sweet pain

My eyes are waiting to look at your delightful smile :)
Please come back!.....I miss you!

My ears are waiting to listen to your honey like words
Please come back!......I miss you!

My lips are waiting to have a never ending cheerful chat
Please come back!....I miss you!

My arms are waiting to hug you tight
Please come back!....I miss you!

My feet are waiting to follow your foot steps as you walk
Please come back!......I miss you!

My heart is so lonely...I feel empty without 'You'
Please come back!....I miss you!!

Love is the natural feeling
rising from the heart
Showering deep affection
from the moment it starts

Love is caring
for the person so dear
Missing them badly
when they are not around and near

Love is kind
It knows how to sacrifice
Love is blind
It stands on truth stumbles on lies

Love is consoling
and kissing away their tears
Love is offering support
and calming down all their fears

Love is accepting
the person the way they are
Love is forgiving
Because you also do mistakes as they are

Love is understanding
feelings written deep inside their heart
Love is unconditional giving
which has no end, only one start

Love is pure
It doesn't think about loss or gain
Love is cure
It gives hope to the wounded hearts again

No poem can describe
the complete meaning of love
You will always find short of words to scribe
Because, Love is just 'L.o.v.e' ♥♥

Smile is a beautiful curve that your lips wear
When happiness hugs your heart with joy you couldn't bear

Smile enlightens your face like a spark
It is the world's best beautiful arc

True smile comes not often, But once in a while
To make us feel its presence is precious and worthwhile 

Sometimes words aren't enough to express my feelings
My lips may not speak but my eyes shows all the meanings
Sometimes all I need is a shoulder to cry on
When there is nothing I can do because that precious time is gone
Sometimes all I need is silent tears to shed
When I have heard enough and there is nothing left to be said
Sometimes all I need is a ray of hope and bold emotion
When my dreams are washed away by the tides of the fate ocean
Sometimes all I need is a true friend
Who lifts and cheers me up and be with me till the end
Sometimes all I need is a support when I'm down
When nothing goes my way and misfortune raise its frown
Sometimes all I need is memories that are sublime
When everything changes and gets blown by the winds of time
Sometimes I don't realize the worth of a thing
Unless it is gone forever And then 'Alas!!' I sing
Sometimes I run after dreams that will never be true
When I realize that, My heart turns blue
Sometimes I realize, Its already too late
Wish I could turn back time and change my fate
Sometimes I regret for what I've done
I wish they could be erased and undone
Sometimes I give up very soon
Carried away by the fake promises of the silver moon
Sometimes I'm left with unanswered questions
I'm tracing down the answers from my life lessons
Sometimes I learn from the mistakes of my past
  And try to correct and rectify them fast
Sometimes words aren't enough to express my feelings
My lips may not speak but my eyes shows all the meanings 

 Beauty doesn't lie in women eyes
Beauty lies...
In every tear drop that she sheds for her loved ones
that never lies
In the eyes of a women waiting for her love...
From the dawn till the evening,
until sunshine fades away and dies...

Beauty doesn't lie in women ears
Beauty lies....
When she listens to your troubles
And wipe your tears and calms your fears

Beauty doesn't lie in women lips
Beauty lies....
When she speaks kind words of 'Hope' in your hardships

Beauty doesn't lie in women shoulder
Beauty lies.....
When she offers support when life is harder

Beauty doesn't lie in women hand
Beauty lies....
In Mother Land who bears our sins with pain
though she could not withstand
In Mother to hug her child... When her hands widely expand.

Beauty doesn't lie in women stomach
Beauty lies when she carries her baby
and feel her baby is all her good fortune and luck

Beauty doesn't lie in women feet
Beauty lies when she walks with you
Through out your life...
Until your last heartbeat

Beauty doesn't lie in her makeup or appearance
Beauty lies in her selfless pure heart,sacrifice and tolerance

Woman has unnoticed real beauty
You will not miss it,with your heart when you see!

I'm just a girl <3
Girl with million dreams in her eyes
Girl searching for truth among lies

Girl who loves to eat ice-cream in the rain
And loves to glance at the meadows from the window of a train

Girl who cries watching emotional movies
And loves listening to Grandma telling the stories of fairies

Girl who enjoys little joys of counting the stars, Chasing a butterfly
And feeling the smell of the mud when the rain falls on earth so dry

Girl who imagines herself as a star
Who wanna shine all the way very far

Girl who loves to make fun and tease her little Bro
And In some cases, who tries to be like her mother and imitate her as she grow

Girl who gets inspiration from her Dad
And learns from the experiences that he had

Girl who has silly fights with her friends
That are all over as the day ends

Girl who loves to shop all the day
With small children she loves to play

Girl who is creative and artistic
And a great lover of music

Girl who is lil selfish in sharing her chocolates
And loves cute teddy's, roses and bracelets

Girl who loves gazing at the stars and the moon
Girl who enjoys watching Tom & Jerry cartoon

Girl who believes happiness lies in small things
Sometimes, wishes she could fly with her imaginary wings

Girl who cries and smiles while recollecting  memories
Girl who finds pleasure while she is lost in reveries

Girl who tries to smile hiding her tears
Hiding all her inner feelings and fears

Girl who always listens to what her heart says
Where her soul lies there her happiness stays

Deep inside me
There is another part of me
Which you did not see
So, You don't know how it will be

It got lost somewhere,
Somewhere in the deep corner of my heart cave
Getting suppressed,
Always suppressed, Because it is not brave

It has got feelings
that cant be expressed
Regretting the pain of those unexpressed feelings
It really got depressed

It is getting killed
bit by bit
Suffering pain
Each and every minute

It wants to come out,
Come out, with full force
Breaking all its freedom restricting doors
And just scream and shout
How it really feels